Q: Is this service free?
Yes! We are a group of volunteers eager to serve our community. Though the service is free, you are responsible for the cost of your groceries, medications, or other items purchased.
Q: What safety measures are you taking?
We’re doing our best to keep up-to-date with all CDC-approved safety guidelines for protecting against the transmission of COVID-19. Check out our protocols to learn more about the precautions we’re taking.
Q: Are your volunteers vetted for security?
Yes. Your safety is our priority. All of our volunteers are reviewed for eligibility and vetted with background checks prior to gaining access to delivery information.
Q: Am I eligible for your service?
If you are homebound and unable to safely get groceries, medications, or run your other errands, we will be happy to run your errands so you can stay safely at home.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
Our volunteers accept Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, Zelle, cash or personal check.
Q: Can I make a donation, and is it tax-deductible?
To make a donation to our cause, please visit our GoFundMe. Donations are not currently tax-deductible, but we’re hoping to change that soon. Every dollar goes toward creating a more efficient system to serve the most vulnerable population here in Nashville, and providing relief to those in need.
Q: What areas do you serve?
We currently serve most major areas of Nashville, including Davidson, Rutherford, Wilson, Williamson and Sumner counties. If you are outside of this area, please send us a request anyway and we will do what we can.
Q: How long will it take for my delivery to arrive?
A volunteer will be in touch within 24-48 hours of us receiving your request. We put out the call to our volunteers as soon as your order's placed, but orders can take 1-2 business days to coordinate and fulfill. Speed of delivery will vary depending on the number of volunteers in your specific area. If no volunteer can deliver your order after 48 hours, we’ll call you and let you know.
Q: Can I make a request on behalf of someone else?
Absolutely! To make a request on behalf of a friend or relative, fill out the request form and make sure the contact phone number is the number of the person best-equipped to coordinate delivery details with the volunteer.
Q: Can you find me PPE, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes?
These items are not always readily available in stores, but our team will do its best to find what you need! We also have a limited supply of donated items that we can supply, occasionally.
Q: Can I get the same volunteer every time to make my delivery?
Yes, this is quite possible if the volunteer is available when you make the request.
Q: Can I tip my delivery person?
It’s most appreciated by the volunteers to receive a thank-you card. Tips are never expected, we’d rather that you pay your kindness forward by donating to a relief organization of your choosing (or donate to our GoFundMe to help us reach even more neighbors!)
Q: I use SNAP/EBT, can you help me?
Currently, we are unable to use your SNAP benefits or food stamps to make a purchase for you, but we are working with local officials to find a solution for this problem.
Q: I need groceries but I cannot pay for them. Can you help me?
If you are in need of food, please submit a request with your information. We have active partnerships with local food banks and restaurants who would be happy to help you in any way we can. You can also find more resources here.